Wright Retiring After 30 Years: Cherryville Council Acts on Items

By: Rusty Wise – Wise News Network

Cherryville, NC (WNN) The City of Cherryville held its regular August council meeting on Thursday, August 15th, 2024. The meeting was shifted from Monday to Thursday due to an Electricities meeting held in Asheville earlier in the week. City Hall officials and employees attended the event. 

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Dr. Vince Hefner. Photo from https://www.fbccherryville.com

Mayor H. L. Beam was back at the helm after being absent the past few weeks due to illness. He thanked everyone for the prayers, calls, texts, and cards, especially Mayor Pro Tem Jill Puett, for stepping up in his absence. Also, in his comments, the mayor stated that the new city gym is moving swiftly, with the sewer system, parking lot area, and playground completed next. According to Mayor Beam, the project is expected to be completed in the next couple of months. The City has all the electrical materials to be installed for the Calico Creek cluster neighborhood on Requa Road and is in the bidding process. Improvements to Ben Black Park on Ranbar St. should start by the end of September with new basketball and pickleball courts. Also mentioned in the comments, construction has started on a new Dollar Tree beside Ace Hardware on Hwy 150 East.

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Larry Wright (R) receiving his 30 Year Award from Cherryville NC Mayor H.L. Beam, August 15th, 2024 by Mason Beam (WNN)

Larry Wright was recognized for his 30 Years of service to the City of Cherryville. He is currently the department head for the City’s wastewater division, where he started working on August 8th, 1994. Larry’s last day with the City will be January 1st, 2025. 

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Larry Wright’s first day at the City of Cherryville NC on August 8th, 1994 with the Waste Water Department – Left to Right – Larry Wright, David Woods, Roger Harrelson, Henry Harbinson and Bob Shull – (photo provided by Larry Wright)

The meeting also recognized “Power Player” athletes who participated in Cherryville public school sports and were most outstanding during the 2024 summer season. Piedmont Lithium sponsors the Power Player of the Month award. Jordan Lowrance and Chloee Stroupe were the 2024 summer season award recipients. Lawrence, who plays Cherryville High School football and basketball and is an All-Conference player in football, had 100% attendance during the summer workout season. Stroupe, a Cherryville High School cheerleader and softball player, is also a State Championship, All-State, and All-Region Team cheerleader. She has a position as a flier as well as other cheerleading positions, including tumbler and base.

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Jordan Lowrance (left) and Chloee Stroupe (right) receiving their Power Player award from Piedmont Lithium Representative Emily Winter. August 15th, 2024 by Mason Beam (WNN)

Ned Yates, Cherryville American Legion Post 100 Athletic Officer, spoke about the recent State Tournament in Cherryville. In his speech, which was close to seven minutes long, during the three-minute limit open citizen section of the meeting, Yates thanked many people regarding the tournament. 

The Council approved rezoning the approximately 5.95-acre old Dora Mill #1 complex at 501 N Mountain Street. The mill’s existing zoning was General Manufacturing (GMC); however, the current owner, Paul Nathan Martin, requested Residential Multifamily (RMF) zoning, which was approved. Plans are to turn the mill property into multifamily dwellings. 

City Manager Brian Dalton stressed how well the City has been doing regarding the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) compared to other Electricity Towns and Cities. The City of Cherryville is only one of a few Cities that have implemented the system entirely and are seeing its benefits. The AMI system can pinpoint water and electricity usage in real-time.

The Council also voted to classify a couple of lawnmowers as surplus property and sell them on govdeals.com. Per the discussion, the mowers are 1999 and 2000 Skag mowers. 

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City Manager Brian Dalton during his AMI explanation. August 15th, 2024 by Mason Beam (WNN)

Lastly, the Council went into a closed session at the end of the regular meeting. Upon returning to the open session, Mayor Beam announced that the Council had discussed giving City Manager Brian Dalton a one-time longevity pay bonus equal to 3.5% of the annual pay. A motion was made to approve the payment, and the Council voted unanimously in the open meeting for the longevity pay. The payment will be made in December 2024. 


For the full video of the meeting, see below: 

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