In-Depth News Coverage

A woman in a "Pete's Fish Box" shirt stands in front of a window display featuring a fish-themed quote and an image of a man named Pete.

Pete’s Fish Box, Cherryville’s Newest Catch

Tracy Heavner poses by the window at Pete's Fish Box on September 6, 2023. The...
A table with the analysis of sale and reference cases.

Cherryville Approves PPA, Anticipates Future Electric Savings

Chart showing electricity cost savings projections as a result of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)...
A street view of brick buildings, including a business labeled "The Agency Real Estate Group". Several parked cars and a cloudy sky are also visible.

Cherryville Historical Museum Hangs in the Balance

By: Grace Smith - Wise News Network CHERRYVILLE, NC (WNN) - The City of Cherryville...
Two men are having a conversation outdoors. One is holding a microphone and wearing a black shirt and cap; the other wears a straw hat, blue shirt, and a black apron with a heart design.

Community Supports Homeless Encampment Amid Impending Closure.

YouTube Iframe Player By: Grace Smith - Wise News Network GASTONIA, NC (WNN) - Event...