Historical Association Makes Progress; Other Topics Discussed

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The Cherryville City Council at the city council bench. Jon Abernethy was present virtually. Monday, April 8, 2024, by Rusty Wise (WNN).

By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

CHERRYVILLE, NC (WNN) – Mayor H.L. Beam and Cherryville Police Chief Brandon Hunsucker presented Officer Josh Colvard with the Law Enforcement Officer’s Advanced Certificate at April’s city council meeting on Monday, April 8, 2024. Other topics were also discussed.

Mayor’s Comments; Cherryville Historical Museum Update

Mayor Beam highlighted some recent projects and achievements of the city council. He started the comments by providing an update about the Cherryville Historical Association. 

Mayor Beam and City Manager Brian Dalton recently attended an Association meeting. The city officials met the new members of the Association and learned who took on officer roles. Mayor Beam said the locks were changed at the Cherryville Historical Museum.

Pete Craft was elected as the president of the Association while Diana White was elected as the Secretary and Clay Henley was elected as the Treasurer. According to President Craft, the newly nominated Association is making progress.

One aspect of the museum that the Association would like to change is the hours of operation. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 

“We are making progress. Right now we have to learn to crawl before we can walk, but we will get there,” said Craft.

President Craft said they would like to increase the hours gradually, however, the museum will certainly be open during the Cherryville Cherry Blossom Festival on April 20. 

City Manager Dalton said the gutters along the back wall of the museum building have been replaced. The old gutters were believed to be causing a leak along the back wall. City Manager Dalton is hopeful that the new gutter rectifies the issue.

Additionally, the Association recently hosted a group of women who live in Charlotte at the museum. Some of these women have ancestral ties to Cherryville and wanted to bring their friends to see all the changes in the city. Craft said the group had a lovely time.

Aside from discussing the museum, Mayor Beam also announced that Little League Baseball begins this weekend, Saturday, April 13, 2024. The Dixie Little League Softball regular season started on March 25, 2024. 

City Manager Dalton and Finance Director Dixie Wall have drafted a budget proposal for the upcoming budget work session. The budgeting session is scheduled for April 30 after the regularly scheduled work session.

On Wednesday, April 2, 2024, The city council members, City Manager Dalton and Mayor Beam attended the Town and State Dinner with the N.C. League of Municipalities in Hickory. 

“This is the first time in over 10 years that this council has attended an event outside of Gaston County,” said Mayor Beam.

The council met with state representatives, such as Senator Ted Alexander, and other cities’ local officials. 

Lastly, Mayor Beam declared the week of May 5 through 11 Municipal Clerks’ Week. Paige Green is the city clerk for Cherryville. Mayor Beam recognized Green before reading the proclamation of Municipal Clerks’ Week. 

“It is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the professional municipal clerk,” said Mayor Beam. 

Special Recognition of Sargent Josh Colvard

Officer Colvard received the Law Enforcement Officer’s Advanced Certificate and the Criminal Justice Officer’s Advanced Certificate for his service under the Cherryville Police Department (C.P.D.).

According to Mayor Beam, the Criminal Justice and Educational Standards Commission unanimously approved Officer Colvard’s nomination for this recognition. 

“The Advanced Certificate award provides recognition of the competence and achievements of eligible officers across the state,” said Mayor Beam. 

For nomination for the Advanced Certificate, officers must have:

  • Minimum of 48 points and twelve years of experience; or
  • Minimum of 60 points and nine years of experience; or
  • Associate Degree, 36 points, and nine years of experience; or
  • Bachelor’s Degree, 24 points, and six years of experience.

Additionally, those with a Graduate Degree must have accumulated at least 16 points and four years of experience. According to the N.C. Department of Justice, points are accumulated based on education, officer training and professional experience. 

Chief Hunsucker presented Officer Colvard with his Advanced Certificate. The C.P.D. had the certificate framed. 

“Josh has been in law enforcement for 24 years now. He has spent the last 11 here in Cherryville,” said Chief Hunsucker, “He is very dedicated to his job, he is always at work and willing to do anything we ask.” 

Calico Creek Final Plat

The final plat for the Calico Creek addition to the Cherryvale development was unanimously approved by the Cherryville City Council. The Calico Creek subdivision will offer more than 80 lots and it will go on Requa Road.

According to the Planning and Zoning Director, Richard Elam, Cherryville officials and the developers have spent the last 8 months curating the best option for the final plat. Elam said all the sidewalks and streets had to be 50 feet. Each building lot is at least 6,000 square feet.

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Calico Creek Housing Development Phase #1 Site Plan located on Requa Road obtained from City of Cherryville NC (WNN Staff).

Two representatives from the developers, Meritage Homes out of Charlotte, attended the city council meeting to answer any questions from the council. The city council had to approve the final plat before the developers could advance. 

Council Member Janice Hovis inquired about the state of Requa Road, wondering if it could handle the traffic once the subdivision has residents. 

City Manager Dalton said the Department of Transportation conducted a traffic study. They determined that Requa Road would not be detrimental to the flow of traffic because of the various routes people tend to take on Requa Road. 

“When D.O.T put up traffic counts throughout town and in this [Requa Road] area, some of the things they come up with is that most people will turn left on Requa Road; and then go around Tot Dellinger [Road] such as that to get to Walmart,” said City Manager Dalton.

A portion of the road is the city’s responsibility to keep up. It was paved around eight years ago and City Manager Dalton said they would have to assess the state of the road as traffic becomes more dense in that area. 

Council Member Hovis also asked the developers if they had plans for additional entrances. Tim Sheehy, the Vice President of Land Development for Meritage Homes in Charlotte, said they intend to have three entrances, however they will all be on Requa Road. They do not intend to add an entrance at the back of the subdivision.

“By the time it’s completed it will be a city within a city,” said Mayor Beam.

Consideration of a Public Hearing for Amendments to Zoning Ordinances

The city council set a public hearing for May 13, 2024, to discuss suggested changes to zoning ordinances. The public hearing will be to hear proposed changes to the zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance.

Council Member Hovis motioned to approve the date for the public hearing and Council Member Jill Puett seconded the motion. 

Other Business

City Manager Dalton said the city is awaiting the permit approvals to start construction on the incoming gym and the splash pad. 

Regarding the gym, Gaston County is waiting to approve the build permits until the North Carolina Department for Environmental Quality approves the erosion control permits.

Lastly, the Cherry Blossom Festival is less than two weeks away. It will begin on April 19, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and end on April 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. According to David Day, Cherryville’s Downtown Director, they are still accepting vendors for the festival.

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A picture of the cherry blossoms blooming outside of the Cherryville Chamber of Commerce. (WNN Staff)

The April city council meeting addressed various important matters ranging from community events and updates to significant recognitions within the city. With ongoing initiatives such as the Cherry Blossom Festival and forthcoming construction projects, Cherryville has much to look forward to this spring.

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