Former Crest High School Football Coach Moves to Cherryville High

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Patrick Bowman addresses the football team for the first time. Thursday, March 28, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

CHERRYVILLE, NC (WNN) – The gymnasium at Cherryville High School was buzzing on Thursday morning, March 28, 2024, as the football team, athletic staff, and school administration welcomed a new addition to their ranks: Patrick Bowman, the school’s new head football coach.

Although Bowman is new to Cherryville, he is not new to the sport. He has experience coaching at Crest High School in Shelby. Bowman started with Crest’s offensive line but worked his way towards being the passing game coordinator.ย 

Crest is a Division 3A school that excelled in its conference last year. The team’s conference record was 7-0.

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This transition comes after a year where the Cherryville High School Ironmen finished the season with a 2-4 conference record. At the press conference introducing Bowman, a prevailing theme was a winning attitude and how Cherryville can improve its standings.

This is Bowman’s first head coaching job, but he is excited to embark on this journey with Cherryville. Scott Harrill, the athletic director, spoke highly of Bowman’s credentials.

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Scott Harrill, the athletic director for Cherryville High School. Thursday, March 28, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

“He has coached at Crest High School for 10 years, he’s worked multiple state championships, in both football and baseball, and he is a high integrity guy,” said Harrill.ย 

Shawn Hubers, the principal of Cherryville High School, welcomed Bowman to the team and staff. He said the new coach stood out among the applicants. Approximately 35 people applied for the position. Hubers addressed the players of the team.

“I hope you guys in the stands are ready to work; to produce a winner, not just on the field but also let’s make sure we win off the field and create high-quality character individuals who are going to be successful,” said Hubers.ย 

The sentiment of fostering success off the field is reoccurring. When Bowman addressed the team, he would look at grades. 

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Shawn Hubers (left), the principal, Patrick Bowman (middle), the new head coach and Scott Harrill (right), the athletic director. Thursday, March 28, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

“It’s more than football to me. I’m going to say that, as soon as we get in, I want to see grades. I want to see how good everybody is coming to school,” said Bowman.

The former head coach, Timothy Pruitt, also stressed the importance of giving one’s best effort in school. This is an important quality in Cherryville’s athletic staff.ย 

Another is making sure the players have support. In an interview, Bowman expressed how he wants to be there for his players.

“If kids know coaches care about them they’re going to work hard,” said Bowman.ย 

Bowman believes in leading by example to inspire his players to do the same. He lives by the principle that when a coach works hard, their players will too, a rule he applies on the football field.

The Ironmen are excited to work hard for their new coach. After the press conference, the team huddled around their coach for their first official “break.” Coach Bowman encouraged the players to have their friends try out.ย 

“If you’re on the fence, just try, no hard feelings either way. We’re excited and I do feel like if they’ll try it, they’ll stick,” said Bowman.

It is not just the players who are excited about this new addition, but the athletic staff as well. Matthew Powers is a social studies teacher and head wrestling coach at Cherryville High School. He was heavily involved in the selection process and spoke highly of Bowman. 

“You hear the things that [people] say,ย and you understand how genuine they are. When he says he’s all about, getting kids in the right places, getting them to win in the classroom, on the field and in all other sports, and being a multi-sport guy, that’s a big thing to me,” said Powers.ย 

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Matt Powers speaking about the selection process for the head coach position. Thursday, March 28, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

Additionally, the coach is a familiar face to some Cherryville residents. He lives in Shelby and has considered moving closer to immerse himself in the community. 

The team is gearing up to start season training. Bowman said they are already conditioning with spring weight training. The gymnasium exudes optimism as students and coaches eagerly anticipate the upcoming first game. As of publication, the schedule remains unannounced.

Football season does not resume until fall, but the anticipation is mounting. The Ironmen are already putting in the work, not only to succeed on the field but to be upstanding students and citizens. One thing is certain, Coach Bowman fits into the Cherryville High School culture already.

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