Bailey Marie Griggs Takes the World by Song.

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By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

CHERRYVILLE, NC (WNN) – A new musical talent is gaining recognition for her melodic voice and touching lyricism. Bailey Marie Griggs, a Gastonia, NC, native has made waves in the music scene with her country vocals and guitar skills.

Known across all platforms as Bailey Marie, the young musician got her start by being in musicals as a child. After performing in a few musicals, the acting lessons turned to vocal lessons and she found a new passion. 

“I never knew that, I can make a career out of it. I didn’t know any of that, but I just randomly started taking vocal lessons, and as soon as I started taking vocal lessons, I fell in love with singing and I fell in love with figuring out how to sing,” said Bailey Marie.

She recounted her first vocal lessons with a man named Beau Stroupe. Bailey Marie was shy at first, as she had little experience singing. Stroupe opened her up and welcomed her, easing her nerves and unlocking her singing voice. 

“He’s really good at taking somebody and making them better, he showed me different breathing techniques and he expanded my range,” said Bailey Marie. ย 

She started seeing success early in her career. She sang on stage for one of the first times at the Apollo Theater in New York City.

“That was crazy because I had never done anything with singing,” Bailey Marie said, “It was super surreal because I was ten years old. I was one of the youngest while I was out there.”

She has since performed at the Apollo numerous times. Aside from New York City, Bailey Marie has traveled across the country to spread her music. She has spent time in Los Angeles and Nashville, writing songs and advancing her career.

Bailey Marie Griggs singing and playing the guitar at the Wise News Network studio.
Bailey Marie Griggs singing and playing the guitar at the Wise News Network studio. Tuesday, November 14, 2023, by Mason Beam (WNN).

Initially, Bailey Marie started her career in the pop genre. However, she shifted her musical persona during the pandemic. The rising star now makes soulful country music. 

“I kind of completely transitioned my whole musical style just because whenever I started putting out original music I was ten years old, and I was really into the pop industry. I loved listening to pop music, and just as I got older, it was more I really liked country,” said Bailey Marie.ย 

The singer believes that her voice is suited for country music. Another influence in her musical shift was her trips to Nashville. As a child, she would take several trips to LA to work on her music. However, COVID-19 prevented Bailey Marie from traveling to the west coast. During that transitional time, she started going to Nashville frequently. 

While working in Nashville, she met music producer Kent Wells, who is a huge name in country music. Wells has produced music for Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, Kenny Rogers and many other talented musicians.

Wells and Bailey Marie now work alongside each other often. Together they produce country songs that have a slight pop twist. 

Her shift towards country music inspired the artist to learn the guitar. Primarily, she is a self-taught guitarist. However, Bailey Marie accredits her long-time associate and friend, David Rhyne, for getting her started.

Rhyne operates a recording studio out of Dallas, NC. His studio is the first recording studio that Bailey Marie recorded in. Rhyne told the singer that he could teach her a few things on the guitar. She had a knack for the instrument.

“I picked up his guitar and he showed me some chords and then I went home and I practiced them. And then it’s kind of like I’m self-taught, but he was also there to help me,” said Bailey Marie.ย 

The musician is dedicated to succeeding in the music industry. This is illustrated not only in her work ethic which was observed from a young age, but also in her desire to improve upon her skills. Learning the guitar in just two years is a significant example.

“If I want to write music, I needed to learn this,” said Bailey Marie.ย 

Her hard work is paying off. Bailey Marie has had several exciting career milestones, including when she met Dolly Parton. 

“She signed my first guitar that I ever started learning on. And then she also signed my guitar that I play now,” said Bailey Marie.ย 

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Bailey Marie Griggs posing with Dolly Parton in Nashville, TN. Image retrieved from Bailey Marie’s Facebook page: Bailey Marie Griggs.

Learning to write her own music was vital because Bailey Marie crafts her own song lyrics as well. She said she writes best when she is in her bed by herself, reminiscent of a girl pouring her heart out in a diary. 

“I hear things in my head and I’m like, that’d be a really good song. And so that’s kind of how it all comes together.” said Bailey Marie.

Bailey Marie has also started writing music on the piano, expanding her repertoire in the industry. One of the songs she is the most proud of is an unreleased piece called “Cold Hands” It is the first song she wrote on the piano, and she said it is quite emotional.ย 

Bailey Marie is learning to play the piano fluently, however, the guitar is still her main focus. She is a humble artist who is dedicated to honing her craft. She still practices her singing and playing, wishing to perfect her skills and propel herself further in the world of music. 

Although she has seen many successes in her blossoming career, Bailey Marie still has higher to climb. While she currently attends Gaston College in Dallas NC, her educational goal is to attend Belmont University in Nashville. They have a renowned music program that has produced some amazing singers, including Brad Paisley. 

During her interview, Bailey Marie took the time to play two unreleased songs in the WNN studios. She sang and played guitar to “Hit and Run” and “Cold Hands” a song traditionally accompanied by piano. The video of her complete interview, with Rusty Wise, and the songs are available on the Wise News Network YouTube Channel. (Link to the WNN YouTube Channel:ย

Bailey Marie has several concerts coming up soon. Notably, she will play alongside Tangerine Trees and Jefferson Avenue at Amos Southend in Charlotte, NC, on January 12, 2024. She will also be performing at The Rooster in Gastonia, NC, on December 15, 2023. 

She recently released a song called “November Air” This song, and all her other releases, can be found on all streaming platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music. She can be found by searching her stage name: Bailey Marie.ย 

With her work ethic, melodic voice, touching lyrics and passion for what she does, Bailey Marie is poised to make an indelible mark on the music industry. In the symphony of rising stars, she stands out as she climbs towards her bright future. 

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