Adam and Eve Come to Cherryville

By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

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CHERRYVILLE, NC (WNN) – Have you ever wondered why Eve ate the fruit of knowledge? Through Mark Twain’s “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” audiences can begin to speculate. Join Saint John’s Lutheran Church as they bring the Garden of Eden to Cherryville through this play.

The play “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” adapts two short stories written by Mark Twain into a theatrical experience. It is a twist on the story of creation, following Adam and Eve as they navigate the world.

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The sanctuary of Saint John’s Lutheran Church in Cherryville, NC. Saint John’s will be hosting “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” of February 16-17, 2024. Tuesday, February 13, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

Jeremy Homesley is the director for the show. He has been putting on this play since 2016 with his nonprofit, Project Local. Typically, he will play Adam and his wife, Ashley DeMar, will play Eve. Homesley said the play is a love story. 

“It’s not just a love story. I would say this is the love story; the first love story.” said Homesley.ย 

Project Local was founded in Cherryville. Its purpose is to make theater accessible to local communities. Moreso, Project Local seeks to utilize the local community in most aspects of the production process. For example, Homesley used local resources for the sets and costumes.

The organization has put on “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” in Virginia, New York and now Cherryville.ย 

Through the lens of Adam and Eve, Twain displayed his devotion and love to his wife. He wrote Adam’s story 20 years before Eve’s. When Twain’s wife died, losing her inspired him to revisit the story of Adam and Eve.ย 

Homesley said that Twain gave Eve’s character more depth than Adam’s, who is more uncomplicated than his counterpart.

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Jeremy Homesley sitting in a chair at Saint John’s Lutheran Church in Cherryville, NC. Homesley is the director for “The Diaries of Adam and Eve.” Tuesday, February 13, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

“Adam is kind of simple. He’s kind of naive, and he is almost the stereotype.” Homesley said, “Eve, on the other hand, is a complicated version of Eve. She has motivations for wanting to eat the fruit of knowledge. She believes introducing death will right some of the wrongs of creation.”

This nuanced take on the classic story provides an alternative perspective for Eve’s transgression. The audience is able to assess her potential motivations for betraying God’s will. Twain crafted Eve as a deep thinker who believed that imperfections do not make life any less meaningful.ย 

Homesley said that Adam represents every man and sees himself in the role. He thinks Twain modeled Adam on himself, just as Eve reflects his wife.

“I think every man realizes after thinking they know everything that they actually know nothing. And usually it’s a special person who teaches us that.”said Homesley.ย 

Homesley was inspired to put on this production based on the simplicity of the story. With just one set and two characters, the uncomplicated dynamics allow actors to focus on their roles, making the story the spectacle rather than the environment.

Behind the scenes, Homesley wanted the production to reflect Cherryville. He built the sets himself, with wood from Cherryville, and used a local printer for the playbills. It is important to him that the community is immersed in every facet of the performance. 

“Even the wood is cherry wood. So, everything is local.” said Homesley.

The rehearsal period came with a few challenges. The actors of Adam and Eve are college students who do not live in the area. Pryor Justis portrays Adam. He is a sophomore at Appalachian State University. Olivia Stegall plays Eve and she attends East Carolina University.

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The actors who will portray Adam and Eve in “The Diaries of Adam and Eve.” Olivia Stegall (left) will play Eve. Pryor Justis (right) will play Adam. Images retrieved from Ashley DeMar and Jeremy Homesley.

Because of the distance, Homesley utilized Zoom for rehearsals. The actors would meet with the director at least three times a week. Although unconventional, the virtual rehearsals indicate how much Homesley trusts his players to perform a good show. 

The performances will take place on February 16 and 17, 2024. The curtain will rise at 7:00 pm, but a pre-show meal will be served at 5:00 pm. To its core this play is a love story. Homesley wants the evening to be a complete date night. 

Additionally, he wanted to create an entire experience, not just a show.

“People are looking for an evening. They’re looking for a place where they can eat, but still in an entertaining environment, kind of move directly into a show, and then you’re home fully satisfied.” said Homesley.ย 

Homesley is excited to bring “The Diaries of Adam and Eveรขโ‚ฌ back to his hometown. Every facet of the performance is personal to the area or to Homesley. Even the location, Saint John’s Lutheran Church, is his father’s church. His father is the pastor at Saint John’s.

Crafted by and for Cherryville locals, “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” is a heartfelt love letter to the community, offering a thoughtful belated Valentine’s Day date for couples in Cherryville. Adams, gather your Eves and immerse yourselves in the Garden of Eden through this captivating performance.

Interested in attending? “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” will be performed on Friday, February 16, 2024, and Saturday, February 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Dinner will be served before the show at 5:00 pm. St. John’s Lutheran Church – 310 West Church Street, Cherryville NC 28021

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