Project Cinderella Provides Free Prom Dresses and Attire

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Donated prom dress hanging on a rack at Lincoln Charter School in Denver, NC. These dresses were donated to Project Cinderella, a student led initiative that gives free prom accessories to families in need. Wednesday, February 21, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

DENVER, NC (WNN) – Prom is a coming-of-age moment for many American high schoolers. Sometimes, the event is expensive. Thanks to Project Cinderella out of Lincoln Charter School in Denver, families can participate in the prom experience without breaking the bank.ย 

Project Cinderella is a student-led club with a simple mission: to supply free formal dresses to families in need. Much like Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother sent her to the ball, these Lincoln Charter students have helped dozens of families send their kids to prom.

Though they do not have magic wands, this is the third year Project Cinderella will turn prom dreams into a magical reality. The club collects lightly used formal dresses and accessories all year. 

Just before prom season, Lincoln Charter transforms from a school into a dress boutique. Club members help those in need by providing them with free dresses and accessories for formal events.

Lois Strain, a faculty member of Lincoln Charter, advises Project Cinderella. She said the students strive to make trying on dresses a complete experience.

To set the scene, the students organize displays of snacks, convert classrooms into changing rooms and give the bathrooms a royal makeover. No detail is too intricate as the club members transform the school ambiance into an enchanting setting fit for a princess.

Strain is exceptionally proud of the club members. She has witnessed the impact of this initiative on the students’ growth.

Ayla Johnson is the president of Project Cinderella. She is a junior in high school and has participated in this club since her freshman year. Her older sister founded the club and also served as president. 

“Prom is something that you only get twice and if someone just cannot afford it, that opportunity is kind of taken from you. Everyone should have that opportunity to experience prom.” said Johnson.

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Some of Project Cinderella’s club members. The members are named from left to right. Bella Lee, Ayla Johnson, Julie Malascalza and MaKayla Price. WNN received consent from all the student’s parental guardians to release images from the interviews. Wednesday, February 21, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

As a student-led club, it is up to the members to organize the dress exchange event. Each student has their own tasks, like Bella Lee, a junior who gets to practice graphic design on Canva by making flyers for the event. Everyone plays their part. 

“Everyone has a school to contact and make sure they get the word out to them. But then also the local businesses help us a lot.” said Johnson.ย 

Project Cinderella is about more than dresses and accessories; it fosters relationships between the school and the community. Local businesses have been integral to the club, with many offering free or discounted services to assist the initiative.

The club supports families navigating the prom experience. Club members aim to help with every aspect, from finding the perfect dress to arranging dry cleaning. 

Inclusivity is at the heart of this initiative. Project Cinderella ensures that anyone can have a prom experience with no questions asked. 

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Bella Lee holding a turquoise prom dress with reflective-mirror gems. WNN received consent from all the student’s parental guardians to release images from the interviews. Wednesday, February 21, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

“We have enough dresses for everyone.” said Lee.ย 

The students are sensitive to the needs of anyone who seeks assistance. They have dresses, shoes and accessories suitable to all body types. Additionally, they offer privacy to community members, regardless of their situations. 

Julia Malascalza is a junior club member. She emphasized Project Cinderella’s commitment to ensuring comfortability.

“We also make sure that if you don’t feel comfortable with people knowing the kind of situation you’re in, we definitely can separate you or make sure that you have privacy, so you can look at the dresses by yourself.” said Malascalza.ย 

Project Cinderella can offer private dress try-on sessions outside major events upon request. If participants would like to arrange a private try-on session, they can call the school (704-483-6611).

One of Lincoln Charter’s principles is service. The club members for Project Cinderella are grateful to give back to their community. MaKayla Price is a sophomore at Lincoln Charter and a newer member. She is excited to help people feel confident in their prom attire.ย 

“I understand that not everyone can afford a dress, but I want to give everyone that option.” said Price.ย 

Although she is younger than many members, Price has enjoyed getting to know people in other grades. Project Cinderella not only strengthens relationships between the school and the surrounding community but also between students.

“In some of my classes I may not get to talk with older kids so I think it is cool being able to see how the older members started as freshmen in the club and how they have grown.” said Price.ย 

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MaKayla Price holding a white prom dress with floral embroidery. WNN received consent from all the student’s parental guardians to release images from the interviews. Wednesday, February 21, 2024, by Mason Beam (WNN).

Engaging younger members is vital for Project Cinderella’s continuation. Older members urge underclassmen to join, stepping in to fill the glass slippers of the club’s current leadership. Johnson is a prime example, as she took on the president role after her sister graduated.ย 

As the club grows with each year, members seek additional ways to expand their reach. Strain and Price have explored future fundraising for event costs and aid.

“I am excited about taking it to that level because we want to keep things free while making sure our members’ families aren’t having to give as much out of pocket,” said Strain.

In the future, Project Cinderella hopes to assist with more prom costs, depending on fundraising success. Price mentioned the potential to assist with prom tickets in years to come. 

The dress exchange event will occur Friday, February 23, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm, and Saturday, February 24, 2024, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. However, the club will host another event at a later date. There are no requirements to receive free prom assistance. 

When asked to describe Project Cinderella in three words the club members said impactful, helpful and magical. It is important to note that the initiative is only as grand as the effort put in. With the Lincoln Charter students, it is safe to say that the effort speaks for itself. 

Last year, Project Cinderella helped at least 80 people find their dream dress. People travel from all over the region to receive prom assistance. Notably, a family from Michigan, coincidentally in town during last year’s event, also benefited from the support provided by Project Cinderella.

“It’s always nice when they walk out and you can just see how happy it makes them,” said Johnson.ย 

The story of Cinderella teaches viewers that kindness and virtue will be rewarded. What is more rewarding than helping others feel beautiful? The club members of Project Cinderella remain true to their namesake, empowering those in need one glass slipper at a time.

  • Interested in attending? The events will take place at the Lincoln Charter School (7834 Galway Ln, Denver, NC) on Friday, February 23, 2024, 3:30 pm-6:30 pm, and Saturday, February 24, 2024, 10:00 am-1:00 pm.
  • If participants would like to arrange a private try-on session please call: (704) 483-6611
  • The Wise News Network received permission from every student’s legal guardian before conducting these interviews. For more information on WNN’s privacy regulations or minor consent releases, please contact: [email protected]
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