Guitar Wishes Strikes a Chord of Thanks in Event to Support Vets

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Guitars that line the walls of Roger Calhoun’s store, Guitar Wishes. Wednesday, 10/18/23, by Mason Beam (WNN).

By: Grace Smith – Wise News Network

LINCOLNTON, NC (WNN) – A common theme of autumn is expressing thanks. Roger Calhoun, the owner of Guitar Wishes, wants to show his gratitude to veterans of the US Army with an event. 

This Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, Guitar Wishes will host an album launch sale event at their store in Lincolnton. The album, ‘That’s Why We Stand,’ features songs from John Snyder, Mike Huckabee, Doyle Dykes, and many other artists.

The title track, ‘That’s Why We Stand,’ by Joshua Ray Hudson is in full rotation on FM radio. It is also being played on three different satellite channels.

Eventgoers can purchase the album for the first time on Saturday and get their CDs signed by Hudson. 

“I really hope to see the song make Top 40, if not top ten. And I think it has a really good chance of doing that,†said Calhoun.

As of October 19, Calhoun said the song stands at slot 17 in the charts. 

His eagerness for the song’s success is coupled with the fact that all proceeds for the album are donated to veterans. The money from the event and all album sales benefit the organization Guitars for Vets. The organization is dedicated to providing guitar lessons for veterans. 

“The things [they] had to live through while in war times or battle times, it’s hard to let that go once your brain is being trained to that area. It gives them a way, an outlet to relax and deal with those [feelings] in a positive way and hopefully give them a little bit of serenity and peace,†said Calhoun.

This is the second year Guitar Wishes has sponsored this event in support of the troops. Calhoun expects this event to be three times bigger than last year’s. 

The event coincides with the annual Lincoln County Apple Festival. Last year, Calhoun was a vendor at the festival and hosted a similar event supporting Guitars for Vets and Tunnels for Towers. A disagreement from the 2022 festival carried over to this year’s event.

In a statement posted to Facebook, on October 11, 2023, a representative for the festival said: “The decision to not invite Guitar Wishes back to this year’s Apple Festival was not made lightly.â€

They alleged that Calhoun behaved inappropriately towards committee members and festival goers. When asked about the post Calhoun denied any inexcusable behavior. 

“I didn’t understand there was a controversy,†Calhoun said, “Last year we had a confusion…but nothing that I would have thought would have been anything. Then we found out this year that we were being banned from the festival.â€

Calhoun said the confusion was regarding where Guitar Wishes would be allowed to set up their event. The spot that was reserved for Guitar Wishes had been assigned to another vendor. The disagreement occurred when Calhoun tried to get their reserved spot back. 

Representatives from the Apple Festival, including the president, Josh Scugg, and the director, Nicki Gray, did not respond to attempts of contact. 

Despite community members rallying behind the guitar store after the Apple Festival’s announcement, Calhoun wants everyone to direct their support to Saturday’s event. 

“The biggest thing I would say is let’s keep a focus on and everybody support our vets because without our vets we wouldn’t have freedom and freedom is everything,†said Calhoun.

He looks to the future and hopes that Guitar Wishes can become the Lincolnton Chapter for Guitars for Vets. Those looking to donate to the organization directly can do so at 

As both events fill Lincolnton with patrons this weekend, the autumnal sentiments of gratitude will be carried out in support of local businesses and great causes. 

Article by Grace Smith – Wise News Network

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