Volunteers Make The American Legion World Series An Experience

By: Roger Sigmon – Wise News Network
Two concession workers at the American Legion World Series.

ALWS Volunteers Heather Robbins (L) and Jamie Henderson (R) working the concession stand – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)

Shelby, NC (WNN) – Every event can be successful with the selfless acts of volunteers. The American Legion World Series (ALWS) is no exception, and when the call for volunteers went out, more than 900 people answered. More than 100,000 fans will walk through the turnstiles of Veteran’s Field at Keeter Stadium in Shelby, N.C. Volunteers can be seen throughout the venue. The one thing consistently heard from visitors is how friendly, helpful, and happy the volunteers are.ย 

As one enters the parking area, they are quickly met by a golf cart and a smiling face. Cart drivers offer to shuttle fans to the front gate of the stadium. If you choose to walk, don’t be surprised if other drivers stop to make sure you have the opportunity to change your mind and catch a ride. Your next encounter will be with ticket takers who explain that your armband will grant you readmission if you need to leave during the day.

After entering the main gate and beginning your walk along the stadium concourse, you will see volunteers selling programs, food, drinks, and souvenirs, ushers to guide you to a seating area, people will be picking up trash, and there will be medical and security personnel. 

People waiting at the gate to get tickets to the American Legion World Series.

ALWS fans getting their favorite souvenirs – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)

If you choose to visit the restroom, you will notice they are spotless. By this time, you will probably be tempted by the smell of liver mush, hotdogs, hamburgers, and popcorn. The affordable price of food and drinks will be a pleasant surprise. Speaking of temptation, when the ladies come around selling 50/50 raffle tickets, the thought of possibly winning hundreds of dollars will make it easier to donate a few dollars to help support the cause. 

I have had the opportunity to interact with many of the various volunteers throughout the first three days of the ALWS, and I will spotlight a few. I wish there were time and space to recognize all 900 plus, but that isn’t possible. I’ll introduce you to a few and include some photos of others in action. One will notice in the pictures that not only are the volunteers helpful, but they are actively engaging visitors to help ensure a great game day experience.

A worker offering curb service at the American Legion Worlds Series.

ALWS Volunteer David Deer shuttling fans to the stadium – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)

Upon entering the parking area, you cannot miss the shuttle drivers and their golf carts. David Deer from Shelby, N.C., is one of the drivers. Mr. Deer is a former County Manager for Cleveland County, NC. He has volunteered since 2011. He said it is an honor, and he is proud to help. His father is retired from the military, so he has spent much of his life living on military bases across the country. He stated, “I have always been proud of our country and veterans.”

Two concession workers at the American Legion World Series.

ALWS Volunteers Heather Robbins (L) and Jamie Henderson (R) working the concession stand – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)

At some point, you will visit the concession stands just as I did. There, I met Heather Robbins and Jamie Henderson, both from Shelby. This is Jamie’s first year as a volunteer, and Heather has been there since Shelby became the permanent home. Heather said she loves to meet new people, and this event gives her an excellent opportunity to interact with people nationwide. When I asked Jamie why she volunteered, she responded, “What better place to be than here with the community?” She elaborated that this event helps to bring the community together like none other.

Two men standing next to a bench at the American Legion World Series.
ALWS Volunteer Usher interacting with a fan – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)
People enjoying the American Legion World Series.
ALWS Volunteer Usher helping a fan – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)
A woman selling raffle tickets i the baseball stands at the American Legion World Series.

ALWS 50/50 Ticket Volunteer selling tickets in the stands – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)
Workers preparing the field for the AMerican Legion Worlds Series.

ALWS Grounds Crew covering the field as the rain comes – Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, Shelby NC 8-17-2024 by Roger Sigmon (WNN)

When you encounter any of the many ALWS volunteers, take a moment to thank them. Remember, they are not getting paid for their services, and without their selflessness, this wonderful event would not take place. A simple thank you will let them know their hard work is appreciated.

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